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"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever." 

Isaiah 40:8


Join a diverse community of people committed to glorifying God by being neighbourly Christians: proclaiming the entire gospel, serving the whole person, shining the light of hope in the city of Ottawa.


Jubilee Church is a member of the federation of Canadian and American Reformed Churches.

Outdoor Study Group
Image by Aaron Burden
Image by Sincerely Media
church service
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Life at Jubilee

Jubilee Church is a community that seeks to serve God together on Sundays and also throughout the week. We are made up of many individual households, but we act as one household of faith. We seek to serve one another, befriend our neighbours, and work alongside them to bless our city.


Do you want to learn more about becoming a disciple of Jesus?

Are you looking for a church family in which to grow and live for him?
We would love to hear from you. Send us a note using the form below.




Come hear the good news of Jesus in the Bible, sing and pray to the LORD, and learn the Christian walk of life using the ancient creeds and the confessions of the reformation.

Join us every Sunday at 1:30 PM 

Find us at 1061 Pinecrest Road, Ottawa

We start our afternoon together using simple order of worship (liturgy) that includes the singing of psalms and hymns, confession of sin and assurance of pardon, prayers, readings from scripture, a sermon and a blessing. We then enjoy a time of fellowship and refreshments before we gather again for Christian teaching using the Catechism at 3:15 PM. 


We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the second Sunday of every month.



Home: Worship

Small Groups


For fellowship, Bible reading, and prayer

During the week we meet in each other’s homes in smaller groups to encourage and support each other, study scripture and pray together. These small groups are organized geographically across Ottawa so there is one in your area! 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Teen study group

Youth Group: Catechism


Biblical instruction using the Heidelberg Catechism

To assist parents with instructing their children in the Christian faith, Jubilee Church facilitates a weekly youth night. The Heidelberg Catechism is used as the main curriculum. It provides a faithful summary of the basic teachings of the Bible, the gospel, and how to live a thankful life to the praise of God. We hope this teaching and mentorship encourages youth to live out their faith and one day publically profess their faith and thereby become living members of God's church!


Youth typically start attending weekly catechism classes when they are about 12 or 13 years old.

Isaiah 40

Jubilee is a Canadian Reformed Church. Click below for more details about our beliefs and our ties to other reformed churches across the world.

Image by Debby Hudson


The basis for all our beliefs is the Bible, which is the inspired Word of God.

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If you are looking for opportunities to serve God in Ottawa or abroad, here are some organizations our church community supports.


Congregational Care



Pastor Darren Feenstra has been called as the minister of the Word for Jubilee Church. His ministry is scheduled to commence in September of 2023.


The minister of the Word preaches the whole counsel of God and calls upon the name of the Lord in public worship. He also administers the sacraments of Holy Supper, and Holy Baptism. He instructs the youth, and visits in the homes of the congregation to comfort the sick and sorrowing.  




The task of the elders is, together with the ministers of the Word, to have surpervision of Christ's church, that every member, including the minister, may conduct themselves properly in doctrine and life, according to the gospel. They visit in the homes of the congregation to comfort, instruct, and admonish with the Word of God. They take care that all matters of church life are done decently and in good order. They defend the church from strange teaching and uphold the pure doctrine of the gospel.



The ministry of mercy is assigned to the deacons. It proceeds from this love of our Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ. He showed us the Father when he came into the world to serve. Thus he gave an example, that his church should do likewise. The deacons see to it that congregation is involved in acts of hospitality, generosity, and mercy, so that the weak and needy may share abundantly in the joy of God's people. No one in the congregation may live uncomforted under the pressure of sickness, loneliness, and poverty.

How can we serve you today?

Thanks for reaching out.

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©2020 by Jubilee Church.

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